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Monday, November 10, 2008

Ben Folds

revamped by jaijai gamutan, jr

What an effing bastard. Yeah he faked us and I'm just loving it. haha. Didn't I just mention that I'm a Ben Folds-bummer? Yeah you heard me. Ben Folds faked the people by performing some fake songs in the album so to leak those fake tracks in the internet. Well you just can't blame the World Wide Web. They are fake. It's Way to Normal. That's the album.

I have this sole favorite of the genuine album which is effington. Haha. Effing! My favorite line would be the intro - "If God if watching us, He is laughing at us and our football team... Effington!" haha. coolness!

There are a lot of must-hear tracks in the album that includes "Brainwashed" and "You Don't Me" that features Regina Spektor. Enjoy.
